Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Things to consider when designing a room.

Remember when designing a bedroom you or your chamber maid will have to clean it hundreds of times a year (hopefully!). For example that chair that looks lovely in the shop, will it be easy to move to vacume under it? and or round it? If you have zip and link beds you need small light bedside cabinets so they are easy to move as and when. Lamps should be small with a low center of gravity as otherwise they will be knocked over and broken.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Grumpy Old Men

Anyone reading this could be forgiven for thinking everyone in the Accommodation industry hates their customers but this is far from the case. For example this week I have had in lovely guests for 3 days and though they have been beset by various troubles from missing luggage keys, language barriers and in the case of one guest the sad passing of his father. They have been for the past 3 days lovely company and have restored my faith in people. This has been followed up buy several lovely reviews which were unsolicited by me but have appeared by magic and have also perked up my spirits. It shows when you are ready to believe the worst of humanity they will always surprise you. One of our guests has a broken foot and is currently hobbling round town with one of DH's (Dear Husband) croc's on her injured foot as it is just the right size to go over the bandages. I guarantee you would not get that kind of service in a hotel! The trouble is despite the overwhelming majority of guests who are lovely it seems those who we would most like to forget stay most prominently in our minds.