Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Possibly the most Grumpy B&B book ever!

Running a Successful Bed and Breakfast Venture  the Pleasures and Perils - Read this in about 2 hours but will be honest was not impressed. The author seems very focused on not letting the guest inconvenience you and that they abide by "rules" and if they want to be in the B&B throughout the day they should have booked somewhere that does and they should be encouraged to do outside (the BB) activities! Where I am it is very competitive and no guest would ever expect not to have access to his or her room during the day! For a book that is supposed to be revised and updated it was very old fashioned. Some of the advice is valid for example equipment in rooms, networking locally etc but there was nothing on the Internet or any other type of advertising which might have been helpful with the only comment really being that you have to get going with your business and then you can cut back which isn't particularly helpful. The suggestion about how to pick your site IE near a attraction and other factors to look for was helpful but to be honest have read other books which were more helpful.

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