Saturday, 7 March 2009

Went on a marketing course the other day and many of the other people were from rural areas out in the Yorkshire Dales. They were all complaining to the teacher of the class that the Tourism Parknership's brochures and website were rubbish and mainly focused on Harrogate ( I kept quite that I was from there!) and that they had complained in writing about it and many had withdrawn from it.

I felt like saying and I probably should well why dont' you do something about it! If it was me I would say right A I am going to form the rural dales B&B, Guest House and Selfcatering Accomodation association and get everyone I can think of to join. Then I would say to all the members you bring in anyone you can think of. This would be free. You would have to elect a chairperson to speak for you but then you could say to the Tourism network TIC or whoever I represent 10,000 bed spaces in Yorkshire YOU WILL LISTEN TO WHAT WE WANT!

I would also get our own web site set upand if everyone put in £10.00 it would be paid for and I would put it in sections i.e. Leyburn - Accomodation in Leyburn, Things to do in and arround Leyburn, Places to eat in Leyburn and so on.

Susan Briggs is right people are lazy so if you give them the whole package then they are more likely to come.

If you don't like what people are doing for you and charging you a lot for then do something else!

We used to advertise with the TIC every year and did not decern any bonus so one year we decided not to bother and see how it went we have not lost out and have saved quite a bit of money.

Also if enough people withdraw then it is likeley the TIC, TOurism Partnership etc will notice and pull their socks up as they want the money. This is called voting with your feet!

There are other benefits to being organised the first is it is easier to make referals or advertise vacancies for example with the Harrogate organisation if you have a late cancellation for a buisy time then you send off an email and if anyone in the group has someone ringing up for those dates but is full then they know where to send someone.

The second benefit is that you can get bulk discounts for example if you say to a printer I want 30 sets of brochures printing, 30 sets of business cards and stationary what deal are you going to do for me?

You also can club together to get deals on things like toiletries as in rural areas you have to have them delivered and if you order more than so much then you get a discount. So if you have any close neighbours then you could club together any order in bulk and then get it for a better price.

So top tip from me get organised people and don't be too British! I wrote them a letter about it doesn't get it done.

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