As regards brochures these in my opinion can wait your most important ambassador is your web site as a good 60% of bookings come through the internet. At the very least you should look into using sites such as and Laterooms if you haven’t got your own site up and running. If you are buying a going concern it should in this day and age have all of this already set up but make sure that you have all the details of their web site designer, who maintains it and that you now have the rights to the domain name.
The web site is great because all it takes is a phone call to your web master to get things changed and up to date the same day. Some obvious details such as the change of ownership can be put on the same day as you complete. I myself however would wait as in that first week I guarantee that you will have enough on and frankly of all the things that are important that can wait. You can put your own individual stamp on the web site two or three months down the line when you have found your feet. This is however only the case if the site is half decent if it is appalling get onto it right away as this is your billboard to the world if it is rubbish you aren’t putting out a very good sign.
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