Monday, 23 February 2009

TOP TIP – It is also important to build a good relationship with a local florist who delivers. This is because I have lost count of the number of times I have been approached by men staying who want to get flowers or something for their wives at the last minute either on the day or even when they arrive. They will be very grateful that you can get it organised for them at the last minute and this is especially the case during what I call Hallmark Holidays for example Valentines Day.
Top Tip – you will grow to hate Hallmark Holidays especially Valentines Day and Christmas I am sorry if this seems cynical but it is very high pressure. This is because all the guests who stay with you want top flight rooms for single prices. This means that the men involved are determined to get value for money and are cross at having to spend so much money. The women involved want a romantic time and whatever he has organised is never right so be prepared for complaints. Some places buy special equipment for such holidays such as heart shaped egg cooking moulds. These kinds of touches are nice and can usually be picked up at bargain prices just after the holiday i.e. the 15th of February as the shops don’t want to store them for another year. These can be saved and used year after year so can be a good investment. Another piece of advice to gain some extra income is to offer around this time to organise flowers, chocolates etc for guests as often they don’t think of it and if you charge a percentage extra you can make a nice profit. However do be careful about making sure of what they want to pay i.e. so that is £20.00 for flowers £10.00 for chocolates then sir? Also make sure that they know flowers are twice as expensive on these days as most people have no idea what things cost. I have had chaps want a grand gesture like roses and when I tell them the price they nearly have an aneurism. Sometimes gentlemen want special things set up like petals on the bed I tend to humour people as my sheets go to the laundry so what they get on them doesn’t matter. However if you do your own laundry then rose petals do not come out easily!

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