Monday, 23 February 2009

TOP TIP – Try to keep your prices around number for example £65.00 as you will spend your life sorting out change. Plus I don’t care what the supermarkets say I don’t think that £64.99 sounds particularly cheaper than £65. I would also try to keep a selection of five pound notes and pound coins on the premises for these occasions as hunting round for change during a busy check out and breakfast is a nightmare.

I myself believe in making people pay on arrival as trying to take payments and do breakfast at the same time is really difficult. Some people can be a bit funny about this but if you explain about the clash with breakfast they are usually fine they just don’t think. This also has the advantage of if they pay by card you now have that on file if they try and run off or steal things. One couple staying with my parents took the pictures off the wall. Luckily they were very inexpensive but this is just one example. It is always a good plan to have a back up. In the last four years we have only ever had 2 lots of things taken the aforementioned pictures and a set of towels which belonged to the laundry so incidents of theft are rare.

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