Monday 23 February 2009

Top Tip – I would also strongly recommend confirming every booking either by email, fax or letter. If you can push people for email addresses then this can have 3 main benefits. 1 You have a contract with the customer in which you can state your cancellation policy clearly, I also find that people who receive confirmations are more likely to turn up as sometimes if they don’t receive one they make other plans as they worry that they don’t have a booking. 2 You have their email address for marketing purposes to use later on. 3 To email is free which over a year can save you a fortune as to send a letter is money for a stamp, money for ink, money for paper and money for an envelope which all adds up. An email also has the advantage of being almost instantaneous which not only looks efficient but ties the booking in and makes sure that they have got their dates right and what they want. You will marvel again and again at the number of people who ring up after you confirm and say they wanted the Tuesday to the Saturday isn’t that what they booked? The answer is no.

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