Saturday, 28 February 2009

I find that the best marketing ideas pop out at you all the time look at what other people are doing and don’t do the same but do similar and with a twist or be completely different. I often find that the best ideas come to me as I am puttering about doing something else. The trick is to be thinking about the problem and about other things and sometimes you just get illumination. Also it pays to always keep your eye out for opportunities. I free cycled a book and two chaps wanted it and I noticed that the second chap had just started a new business running courses as he used the signature technique to advertise so I sent him an email saying was he looking for space to hold the classes. So keep your eyes peeled for opportunities like these. Also he is doing health and safety courses and basic food hygiene which I now get a discount on. I would also recommend getting out and meeting people as well as doing activities such as Facebook they spread the word like nothing else. I would also recommend that you have a signature which includes the details of your premises i.e. name, address, phone number, email and Website and have this put on the bottom of any emails you send about anything. This is also a really cheap way to advertise as it means that anyone you respond to gets an advertisement for your place. This is really easy to set up if you use Yahoo or Outlook Express and I am sure Hotmail does a similar thing though I have not used it myself.

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