Monday, 23 February 2009

As regards cleaning products shop around, my mum likes flash for her guest house as it has a distinctive smell which has two advantages one it has a pleasant smell and two that smell shows the guest that the bathroom has definitely been cleaned. I recommend that you try a few different brands and decide what you like best you will always use them up. I would also recommend for things like this joining a whole saler and buying in bulk as you cannot be running out so have at least 8 bottles of everything in. I also guarantee that you will use a lot more than you ever thought you would. The only thing I would caution you against is using pine I find that it smells a bit clinical and that is the last thing you want.

The same goes for toilet roll they will use far more than you ever thought possible what they do with it all I will never know but buy in bulk and buy at the least middle to high quality as your guests will notice. Also if you buy the cheapest you will usually find that there are less sheets per roll so you will not be any better off in the long run.

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