Monday, 23 February 2009

TOP TIP – Most of the books recommend that you steam clean your carpets at least once a year. I agree with that but you have two options of how you carry this out. Option one is if you have a slow season such as in Harrogate February is dead so that would be the time to blitz the housework or you can do one room at a time crossing them off as you go. This way is probably the easiest as you have to move all of the furniture out of the room and then back in again. This means that you have to have somewhere to put it so in reality you will have two rooms out of service for at least 1 day. You can have the carpets done by a professional which can be expensive or you can hire equipment and do it yourself which is the cheapest option. The rug doctor machines or similar can be hired locally for a reasonable fee and you can do as much as you want to in the time you rent it for. I myself did a three bed house in a day but you will find the stairs a lot harder.

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